Management Policy

KAIRI Co.,Ltd.

    It is company’s objective to ensure that industrial and energy equipment inspected by authorized inspection personnel qualified to do the inspection of equipment/facility to the applicable international Code such as, ASME or NBBI Code for the compliance with applicable Code as a third party agency, to demonstrate satisfactory skill level and results.
    Company is committed to the high level of quality service to the customer and improvement of service quality, and it is the policy of company to achieve this objective through effective implementation of management system.
    In my capacity as representative director and general manager, I am responsible for all the company policy, and general manager has been delegated authority and responsibility to develop, maintain and ensuring application of the management system as described in the manual. The general manger shall keep me advised of the effectiveness and adequacy of the management system program through management review and is responsible to identify problems and take corrective action necessary to comply with applicable Code, Standard and management system manual requirements.
    if any conflict, regarding application for this management system, should arise between Technical Team Manager and other organization which they cannot resolve, it shall be brought to my attention by the Techinical Team Manager and the resolution shall be in accordance with the applicable Code and management system manual requirements.

Management Objectives

KAIRI Co.,Ltd.


Enhance the training and indoctrination of all personnel and ensure that only authorized personnel carry out inspection services and can demonstrate the high level of inspection skills and results expected.


Develop appropriate management system that meets international standards and develop advanced managemnet system through active implementation and corrective action.


Achieve ultimate customer satisfaction by improving service quality and providing the best quality service through the effective and efficient implementation of management system.

Impartiality & Independency

Ensure impartiality and independence in the operation of all inspection services.

KAIRI Co.,Ltd.     |    Business registration number:119-88-00466     |    Representative: Hyoung-Woo LEE
Add : #1208,LT SAMBO Knowledge Industry Center,1131 Anyangcheon-ro,Yangcheon-gu,Seoul,Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-2643-7501    |    Fax : +82-2-2643-7507    |    E-mail :
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